rate tick câu
in a tick
Okay, I'll be back in a tick.Tôi sẽ quay lại ngay.
on the tick
Tic Toc - waiting on the Tick.ticks_to_wait : thời gian đợi đẩy trong RTOS tick. Right on the tick.Đúng chóc. Thật ngạc nhiên. Right ...
They will tick away, no matter what we do.Thời gian sẽ vẫn trôi qua dù chúng ta có làm gì đi nữa. That's some stone-fine tick tick you...
I'm waiting. Hey. It's tick-tickNó lại kêu nữa rồi. Tick-tick shit.Tíc tíc cứt. This includes high-frequency data, such as tick data, ...
clock tick
Performs 128-bit instruction in a single clock tick.Chương trình hoạt động tại 128 instructions per word clock. You're the one who let...
closing tick
A closing 'tick' is displayed on the right-hand side of the bar to designate the last price that the security traded during that time p...
down tick
It was coming down. Tick tock. JOHANNA:Vừa đặc, vừa nóng, trút xuống đầu chúng tôi Thus, if you do not have a proper framework in plac...
plus tick
A zero plus tick is a security trade that is executed at the same price as the preceding trade but at a higher price than the last trad...
tick fever
Day 1 to Day 5 of tick feverTừ ngày 1 đến ngày 5 sau khi xuất hiện sốt They also may carry tick fever, which can be passed to both hor...
tick marks
You want to draw 60 tick marks, starting with the 0 minute.Bạn muốn vẽ 60 điểm đánh dấu, bắt đầu với 0 phút. Consider drawing the tick...
tick off
Tick off your goals as you achieve them.Phản ánh về các mục tiêu khi bạn đạt được chúng. Tick off your goals when you have achieved th...
tick out
Around then, a slight shading would be detectable on the moon's eastern (left) side, which, as the protocols tick out, seems to be scat...
tick over
One tick over, I'm hauling you two right to jail.Quá một tích tắc là tôi tống hai người vào tù đấy. I peel out from behind a Skoda Oct...
'Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock...' Molly, please, without asking why, just say these words.Molly, làm ơn, xin đừng hỏi gì cả và hãy n...
up tick
But there is a clear slight up tick to his ERA.Lại chuẩn bị thêm nhẹ một cái gạch vào tuổi đời đã lớn.
african tick bite fever
African Tick Bite Fever (African species)Sốt ve đốt châu Phi (African tick-bite fever)
tick the appropriate box
Reason for the notification (please tick the appropriate box or | |2/- Purpose of travel (please tick the appropriate box) Mục đích chu...
tick-borne encephalitis
Around two in every three people infected with a tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus don't develop any symptoms.Khoảng hai trong ba ngư...
Zero-Minus-Tick - Refers to a trading transaction made at the same price as the preceding one but the preceding one was lower than its ...
at this (that) rate
at that rate = in such a case; if such is the case, thenat this (that) rate: nếu thế, nếu như vậy; trong trường hợp như vậy.
no rate
Dollar Tanks, No Rate Hikes from the Fed Anytime SoonDollar Tanks, Không tăng lãi suất từ Fed bất cứ lúc Dollar Tanks, No Rate Hikes...
At this rate, we'll have enough men by the end of the week.Với đà này thì cuối tuần chúng ta sẽ có đủ người I have a first rate cognac...
absence rate
The average absence rate at contact centers is currently 9.1%.Tỷ lệ vắng mặt trung bình tại các trung tâm CSKH hiện là 9,1%. Percentag...
absorption rate
The absorption rate of houses in the first 6 months reached 79.9%.Tỷ lệ hấp thụ BĐS nhà ở 6 tháng đầu năm đạt 79,9%. The absorption ra...
acceptance rate
Assuming NASA accepts 14 people, the acceptance rate will be just .08%.Nếu NASA nhận 14 người, tỷ lệ trúng tuyển sẽ là 0,08%. What is ...